
Saj Zafar is a Psychologist, ex Prison Governor, LeadHERship Trainer, International Speaker, Author and a certified Personal and Professional Development Coach.

She is the CEO & Founder of LeadHERship Academy™ and Institute for Change. Both these companies drive change in gender equity by helping women address the barriers to opportunities and develop the capabilities to thrive – whatever the challenge.

As a passionate and dedicated LeadHERship Mindset and Performance Coach, Saj empowers
individuals to unlock their true leadership potential and achieve peak performance. With a profound understanding of the complex interplay between mindset, skills, and success, Saj has guided hundreds of women on their journey to becoming influential leaders in their respective fields.

With a background rooted in Psychology, Neuroscience Saj brings a unique blend of expertise and experience to her coaching practice. After having spent a lifetime overcoming barriers, defying many gender roles and stereotypes, and achieving many firsts, Saj delivers her training and coaching programs to a diverse range of organisations, specialising in helping and supporting senior leaders to get the best out of their workforce.

Qualifying in Social work and graduating in Forensic Psychology it is no surprise at the tender age of 24 Saj ended up in prison. One of her ‘claims to fame’ is being the first youngest Asian Muslim female to join the Prison Service as a Prison Governor. Not surprisingly the very things that helped to catapult her to success, young, Asian, Muslim and female became her challenges as she tried to strive and thrive in a predominantly white male environment. 


Her can-do mind set, attitude, and resilience led her to spend the next 20 years working in challenging areas of both local and central government. From setting up the first therapeutic unit for young sex offenders in the UK, leading on transformational change programs in failing institutions, working for the Prison and Probation Ombudsman, Prison Reform, and Public Protection, led her to build an exemplary reputation in strategic leadership working effectively with senior leadership teams including Ministers and senior officials in both local and central governments. It is these credentials that led to her appointment as the Ministerial Engagement Lead for Grenfell and subsequently the Wind rush Program for the Home Office.

A health scare five years ago ignited Saj to resign from her highly successful career as a senior civil servant and turn her side hustle of coaching women into her life purpose and business.

Today as the CEO for LeadHERShip Academy™ her mission is to help organisations build inclusive & sustainable workplaces. She invites women to help her…

Rewrite the narrative - and create a legacy of empowered women who not only dream but achieve beyond their wildest aspirations.

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