Saj Zafar, CEO & Founder, LeadHERship Academy™
Award-winning Global LeadHERship Coach, International Speaker, Author, Psychologist & ex Prison Governor has dedicated the past five years to transforming the lives of women worldwide, guiding conscious women to actualise their potential and realise their destiny. Her pioneering work on the inner glass ceilings that block intelligent, conscious women from stepping into their leadership is fast becoming known as a significant contribution to advancing gender equity. Saj’s unique approach combines psychology and neuroscience to deliver impactful LeadHERship Mindset and Performance Coaching, guiding thousands of women to become influential leaders in their respective fields. Through her coaching and training programs, Saj has helped thousands of women craft fulfilling, impactful, and successful careers, lives, and businesse.
Saj’s mission is to empower
One million women to shatter their inner glass ceilings and step into LeadHERship excellence.
Saj is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for purpose-driven, high-potential women. Her personal contributions and efforts have been recognized globally, and her commitment to gender equity continues to inspire and transform. She dedicates her life to inspiring and innovating, tirelessly driving forward new possibilities for women in leadership.
Adversity to Authority
Saj’s life is an extraordinary tale of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to making every moment count. Her journey, often compared to navigating a relentless tsunami, is filled with striking ironies. After spending her early years desperately trying to escape the life she was born into, she ultimately found herself back within prison walls but this time, as the youngest Asian Muslim woman in British history to become a Prison Governor. Saj’s backstory is an incredible testament of resilience, sheer determination and bloody mindedness of making her life count! Her journey is marked by remarkable survival: she overcame a stabbing at the age of 11, survived a suicide attempt at 15, and faced a health scare in 2019 that led her to resign from a 22-year career in central government and turn her side hustle of coaching women into a thriving business. Her journey is marked by remarkable survival: she overcame a stabbing at the age of 11, survived a suicide attempt at 15, and faced a health scare in 2019 that led her to resign from a 22-year career in central government and turn her side hustle of coaching women into a thriving business. Her journey is marked by remarkable survival:
She overcame a stabbing at the age of 11, survived a suicide attempt at 15, and faced a health scare in 2019 that led her to resign from a 22-year career in central government and turn her side hustle of coaching women into a thriving business. Her journey is marked by remarkable survival: she overcame a stabbing at the age of 11, survived a suicide attempt at 15, and faced a health scare in 2019 that led her to resign from a 22-year career in central government and turn her side hustle of coaching women into a thriving business. Today, she is an inspirational storyteller, a sought-after LeadHERship expert, and an author. Saj’s life is a testament to the unyielding strength she possesses. She has not merely overcome adversity; she has transformed it into boundless opportunity. With two decades of experience in some of the most challenging environments—from prisons to central government—Saj has shared spaces with individuals most would find intimidating. From notorious prisoners like Charlie Bronson to Lords, Prime Ministers, and Secret Service officials, Saj has made a profound impact where others may have struggled to succeed. Her life's work and legacy are embodied in The LeadHERship Academy, her successful coaching academy for female leaders. Through her academy, Saj continues to inspire, empower, and lead women who are ready to break barriers and redefine LeadHERship on their own terms.
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