About Us


LeadHERship Academy™ is a catalyst for women who dare to dream big, break barriers, and redefine success on their own terms. Designed for women who are ready to make a lasting impact on their personal & professional journey.

We empower women on their journey of personal and professional growth, a transformative experience consistently hailed as life-changing by women globally.

Through evidence-based resources, expert coaching, and a supportive community, we stand by women striving to craft fulfilling careers and lives while embodying authentic leadership that sparks meaningful change.

In collaboration with organizations worldwide, we also assist managers of all genders in becoming exemplary mentors and sponsors and empower men to be more impactful allies for women.

Our Values

LeadHERship Academy™ is a catalyst for women who dare to dream big, break barriers, and redefine success on their own terms. Designed for women who are ready to make a lasting impact on their personal & professional journey.

Our values define who we are, what we stand for, and how we behave. While we come from different backgrounds and cultures, our values are what we have in common. They describe the expectations our clients should have of us, guide how we work with each other, and hold us accountable to do our best. They govern our actions and enable our success.


LeadHERship Academy™ is a place for owning our truth. We hold up the mirror to who we are and say it as we see it. It may be uncomfortable, but it’s necessary. This is how we learn to trust.


LeadHERship Academy™ goes the extra mile to make it work. We appreciate the courage it takes to embark on a journey of transformation and growth. We will do all we can to ensure you reach where you need to.


LeadHERship Academy™ recognises there is no one state of excellence – it only exists as defined by you. We work together to realise what you are capable of, and with accountability, guidance, and motivation, we won’t let you settle for less.


LeadHERship Academy™ acknowledges that you need discipline and consistency to take action that moves you forward. We will never give up on you and will guide you to where you want to get to.


LeadHERship Academy™ is inclusive. For us it’s not a special initiative – it’s a way of being, existence and essentially life.


LeadHERship Academy™ is a space for vulnerability and courage – it is about our human experience. We support you to enable the transformation to happen so that you allow yourself the best chance to succeed.

Our values are rooted in our history, heritage and character, and help us deliver on our purpose.

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